Donating Items

We accept donations every Monday through Thursday 9-1! We are able to safely receive all your donations outside – you can even stay in your car – just call when you arrive. A quick, easy way to help our neighbors is to shop our Wishlist on Amazon! Just click on items you want to donate and they will arrive at our location to share with our neighbors!

Donate Clothes- We are currently accepting Men’s, Women’s, Childrens clothes with preference given to small Men’s pants (28w-32w).

Donate Food – We accept donations of non-perishable food items that are unopened. Items that are always in demand include canned fruit, family-size boxes of cold cereal, canned meats, and canned green beans and peas.

Donate Toiletries – We serve a sizable homeless population in North Charleston that can use travel-sized bottles of hygiene items. We also distribute your donations of full-sized toiletries to families in need.

Donate Diapers – Diapers are one of the largest expenses for a young family. We frequently receive requests for larger sizes (3 and up) but anything offered is gratefully accepted.

Donate Feminine Hygiene Items – When women are managing a very thin budget, feminine hygiene items often fall at the bottom of the list of what they can afford. Donating these items makes all the difference in the world.