Youth Groups

We are so thankful that your youth groups is considering volunteering at Neighbors Together! however, due to COVID-19 our volunteer participation has changed. We currently request that any youth volunteers be at least 14-years-old and that their visit is scheduled ahead of time with our volunteer coordinator. Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons seem to work best for this age group.

Youth Groups can work together to sort donations of clothing, organize clothing on racks in the Clothes House, stock our Food Pantry shelves, and pack toiletry kits. During the Back-to-School season and Christmas season we also have additional projects for groups.

Children and Youth Volunteers:

  • Elementary-age children are welcome with a parent or grandparent, 1 child to 1 adult
  • Middle-school youth are welcome with an adult chaperone, 2 youth to 1 adult.
  • High-school youth under 16 are welcome with an adult chaperone, 5 youth to 1 adult
  • High-school youth age 16 and up are welcome on their own. If they come with a group that includes younger high school youth, they must be counted in the 5 to 1 ratio for that group

However, those over the age of 16 are allowed to volunteer without a chaperone. All adults must show proof of their Child Protection training from their congregation.

Youth groups are some of our most passionate supporters and ambassadors! Many teens lead fundraising campaigns in their congregations. “Souper Bowl Sunday” is one popular program: on Super Bowl Sunday, teens stand at the exit doors of the church with soup pots, collecting donations for Neighbors Together. Youth Groups have also spearheaded collections of non-perishable food, school supplies, toiletries, socks and undies for our homeless neighbors.

Summer is a great opportunity to mobilize youth groups to get off the couch and get out into the community to volunteer. Youth groups are welcome to set up a monthly or weekly visit to Neighbors Together to volunteer. Tasks include assisting neighbors in the Clothes House as they shop, assisting people in the Food Pantry as they choose their groceries, helping to prepare lunch in the kitchen, and serving lunch in our buffet line in the dining hall.